7 Awards And 3 (Kind Of?) Tags!!!

The Ideal Blogger Award

I was nominated by Srisha (kind of?) for this award! Thank you!


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to his/her blog.
  2. Answer their questions.
  3. Nominate up to 9 other bloggers and ask them 5 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees through their blog by visiting and commenting on their blog.
  5. List the rules and display the “Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award” logo.
  6. Provide the link of the award creator of the Ideal Inspiration Blogger award – The creator is Rising Star and you can check out the link here: https://idealinspiration.blog.

My Answers

  1. What’s your least favorite movie and why? 

I don’t really know…

  1. If you were a dessert, which one would you be and why?

Chocolate ice-cream, because I’m fun and cold at the same time I guess?

  1. What’s your favorite tv series?


  1. Pick a waffle topping: nutella, cinnamon and sugar, maple syrup, fruit and icing sugar, ice cream. Justify your choice.

Fruit and icing sugar, I guess. It’ll make the waffle taste sweeter!!

  1. Which book reminds you of your childhood? 

The Pepper Series!

Cool questions!!

24 thoughts on “7 Awards And 3 (Kind Of?) Tags!!!

  1. Congratulations on all these awards!! Tysm for mentioning me!!, I’m glad the series was helpful 🥰
    Yess I would wish for this virus to never have started coz I lost a WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR
    and I hate online classes. I don’t even know who my classmates are😑
    If I had 3 wishes, I’d wish for world hunger to end,
    Covid 19
    And I’d wish for 3 more wishes 😜
    I loved reading all your other answers as well!
    I’m gonna steal some of these awards😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

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