7 Awards And 3 (Kind Of?) Tags!!!

The Potter Craze Tag

I was nominated by blondeyonamission for this award (kind of?) so thank you!!


  1. Thank the wonderful potterhead who tagged you.
  2. Pingback to the original post (here).
  3. Display the logo.
  4. Answer all of the questions.
  5. Tag your post with the #thepottercrazetag so others can find in the reader.
  6. After answering all the questions, leave an open invitation to anyone who wants to do this tag.


  1. Talk about your fav book/movie in the series and why?

I would say the first book, Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone, since it’s where everything started! The Wizarding World seemed new to me too, and exploring more and more about it was fun!!

  1. If you could bring 3 characters back to life from the series, who would it be and why?

Sirius Black, Severus Snape and Hedwig!!!

  1. What’s your Hogwarts house and who’s your fav character from your house?

My Hogwarts House is Hufflepuff and obviously my favourite character is Cedric Diggory.

  1. Ilvermorny or Hogwarts?

Of course, Hogwarts!!!

  1. Share at least 5 HP memes

*Once again in British accent* Absolutely wonderful those were!!🤣

24 thoughts on “7 Awards And 3 (Kind Of?) Tags!!!

  1. Congratulations on all these awards!! Tysm for mentioning me!!, I’m glad the series was helpful 🥰
    Yess I would wish for this virus to never have started coz I lost a WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR
    and I hate online classes. I don’t even know who my classmates are😑
    If I had 3 wishes, I’d wish for world hunger to end,
    Covid 19
    And I’d wish for 3 more wishes 😜
    I loved reading all your other answers as well!
    I’m gonna steal some of these awards😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

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